Moneyone Products

Moneyone Products

Moneyone FinPro FIU / FinShare FIP

An FIU/FIP Server compliant with RBI’s Account Aggregator Technical Standards

The Moneyone platform has two products, FinPro and FinShare. These products help you store your customers’ consents, and use APIs to receive and share readily-usable, fine-grained data across all data types supported by the Account Aggregation network.

Kindly note our Sandbox servers are available everyday from 7:00 AM to 1:00 AM. Request to please plan your testing accordingly.

The Moneyone platform enables a single integration into All account aggregators. Integrate once with FinPro and FinShare and start receiving and sharing information through any Account Aggregator your customer chooses.

In our sandbox environment, we have currently enabled an integration with the Onemoney AA Sandbox. We will shortly provide integrations into sandboxes of other AA services.

Moneyone FinPro FIU

An FIU Server compliant with RBI’s Account Aggregator Technical Standards

Read on to understand:

  • How to sign up for a sandbox account
  • How to integrate your app with FinPro to start receiving consent-based financial information from your customers, in a real-time, readily usable fashion, through any of the Account Aggregators.
  • How to integrate your core account and transaction systems with FinShare to start sharing consent-based financial information of your customers, in a secure, machine-readable, RBI-prescribed format

Sign up

Here’s how you can get started to set up a Moneyone account.

  • Visit our developer portal and sign up. The developer portal is managed by our parent company, which also owns the Onemoney Account Aggregation service.
  • Sign into the portal with your credentials.
  • By default, you will be in “Test” mode. This is the sandbox mode that allows you to set up test data and other configurations.
  • Get a test FIU (Financial Information User) ID and an API key, by providing basic details about your company and your applications
  • Setup your test accounts to simulate various types of financial information and test receiving those

Receive consent-driven data from your customers, in your mobile or web application, through FinPro

Integrate your mobile app or web application with the FinPro service using the following methods:

  • Mobile front-end Integration
  • FinPro Android Standard SDK integration [iOS – Coming soon]
  • Web front-end Integration
  • FinPro Web SDK integration [Coming soon]
  • Server Integration
  • Curl integration

Provide your customers’ data through FinShare, when presented with a valid consent artefact

Integrate your core account and transaction systems with FinShare, to manage your customers’ consents and share their data to with other institutions, using the following methods:

  • Mobile front-end Integration [Coming Soon…]
  • Web front-end Integration [Coming Soon…]
  • Server Integration
  • Curl integration
Where to Begin?

You may begin your integration with Moneyone as an FIU, i.e. a Financial Information user, using the test FIU ID and API key issued through our developer portal.

Before you go into production, you will have to be certified as both an FIU and an FIP (Financial Information Provider). Use our sandbox to test your code for both sending and receiving data.